Friday, March 15, 2013

I've Been Waiting For You.........

Good Morning My Child,

We have so much work to do.
Today I want you to walk in Love with those you come in contact with.
Show them my grace and mercy through your love and kindness to them.
Use wisdom and discretion in your words and actions towards my people today.
They need to see my Love for them through you.
Help them understand my ways and my thoughts by your actions.
Help them recognize me through your willingness to help and have patience with them.
I'm counting on you to get this done.
It won't be easy you will face some opposition but,
I will help you overcome if you trust me.
Together we will conquer the world and defeat the enemy that's out to destroy my people.
I will wait for you to get dress and prepared because today is the day
You and I will conquer the world!

Can't you tell Daughter/Son I've been waiting for YOU!


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